Who We Are?

We are a team of plant lovers with Ray Eckert, Aaron Collins, Michael Mills, Dorothy Stevenson, and Kelly Cummings.

Let me introduce each member one by one.

Ray Echert

He has more than 15 years of plant various trees and shrubs for his garden. There are more than 200 species of trees planted by him. Even the most hard growing plant, he can plant well, make them looks beautiful and keep them health growing in his garden.


Aaron Collins

He is good at plant various fruits, flowers with more than 10 years experience. After he has retired, he stared to plant fruits, flowers, and trees in his garden. In his garden, there are always full of fresh fruits and flowers in different seasons, even in cold winter, he can keep his garden green, and provide edible fruits for his family.


Michael Mill

With more than 10 years experience of growing flowers and trees, he always keep his garden colorful, tidy and hierarchical. He knows what kind of flowers and trees must growing from seeds while some kinds can be planted by propagation.


Dorothy Stevenson

She is a housewife who is good at plant flowers and fruits. She knows very well what kind of flowers and fruits can be growing in different weather environment. Her experience is very important for people who want to keep thier plant alive.


Kelly Cummings

Well, if you want to incease or replace some species of flowers and trees for your garden, Kelly’s experience may help you to find the proper plant for your needs. Because not only does she know what plants to grow in different climates, she also knows how to diagnose and treat common diseases for your plants.

Ray Eckert - greenplantpro

Ray Echert

Aaron Collins - greenplantpro

Aaron Collins

Michael Mills - greenplantpro

Michael Mill

Dorothy Stevenson

Kelly Cummings

What we do?

We are dedicated to planting flowers, trees, fruits, shrubs, and even some grass to make our gardens more beautiful, and even useful for our daily life.

Considering our experience of more than 10 years of gardening, we created this website as a platform to share some growing and caring tips for those who want to manage their gardens well. Hopefully, our posts can make a contribution to them.

What you can expect from our site?

With our team member’s rich experience in growing plants, you can expect to learn growing and daily care tips about the following plants:

  • Flowers
  • Trees 
  • Fruits
  • Shrubs
  • Grass

If you want to keep your garden beautiful, colorful, and evergreen, hope our articles will help you achieve your goal. For any questions, you are welcome to contact us at any time.