How To Grow And Take Care Of String Of Dolphins?

How to grow and take care of string of dolphins - greenplantpro

It’s no secret that succulents make an excellent indoor plant because they’re so easy to care for. You may not have beachy vibes floating around your home office, but this adorable string of dolphins succulent will. 

The String of Dolphins(also known as a Chain of dolphins) is the perfect plant for any desk or office. Its tiny white flowers resemble little balls, and once they start blooming you’ll feel that beachy vibe every day.


What does a string of dolphins look like?

Dolphin flower plant has a branching stem that is about sixteen inches long and leafy. It grows in clumps of three or four leaves at each branch, which is fern-like in appearance. 

The leaves are dark green with a diamond-shaped center on each side. This hardy plant grows best in full sunlight but tolerates partial shade. 

In cooler regions, they will stay closer to one foot tall, but should still be planted in plenty of suns as they need it to bloom prolifically

The String of Dolphins is a hardy perennial that grows in tropical regions. It can be identified by its warm, bright green leaves and long red stems that grow about 3-4 feet tall. 

It grows well in full sun to partial shade and blooms throughout the summer months with small red flowers.


How to grow and take care of string of dolphins?

Growing string of dolphins should first provide breathable soil, and perlite, peat, and cinder can be prepared in a ratio of 2:1:1. It is also necessary to provide sufficient light, pay attention to sun protection in summer, control the temperature between 12 and 28 ° C, and water in moderation. Water twice a week in spring and autumn, and apply thin fertilizers for about half a month. It thrives.


Breathable soil

Dolphin succulents mainly rely on their roots to grow. So when cultivating dolphin skewers succulents, you need to choose ventilated soil. So that the roots have good growth and breathing space. Perlite, peat and cinder can be prepared in a ratio of 21:1 to form loose and breathable fertile soil.


Sufficient light

Providing them with adequate light is a crucial point in the succulent farming method of dolphin skewers. The leaves of succulents can grow better and become more beautiful only after receiving enough sunlight for photosynthesis. But in the summer, when the sun is shining, you need to pay attention to shade and sunscreen.


Control the temperature

The growth period of the string of dolphins is generally in spring and autumn. When the temperature is more suitable. If the temperature is too high or too low during the breeding process, the dolphin skewer succulents will not grow well, and the temperature needs to be controlled between 12 and 28 °C to make them grow normally.


Appropriate watering

During the growth process, dolphin succulents do not need to be watered too much, generally watering once in 3 to 4 days in spring and autumn to meet their growth needs. In summer and winter, the succulents on dolphin skewers may go dormant. To reduce watering, watering once every 7 to 10 days is enough.


Timely fertilization

The string of dolphins plants should also pay attention to timely top dressing. So that they have enough nutrients for healthy growth. Generally, in spring and autumn, thin nitrogen fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied for about half a month. Do not fertilize in summer and winter, and be careful not to over-fertilize to prevent root burning.


How to propagate of string of dolphins

String of dolphins, and also dolphin succulents, are very cute succulents. Flower lovers who have raised string of dolphins should know that its leaves are like a leaping little dolphin, so it is loved by flower lovers. 

However, dolphin succulents are generally propagated by branch cuttings, and leaf cuttings are difficult to take root and sprout.

So today, I will introduce the steps of how to propagate of string of dolphins. Let us learn the process of dolphin succulent branching.

  1. Branch cutting time

The dolphin succulent leaf cutting time can be carried out in spring or autumn. It is recommended that spring cuttings are more suitable. After all, spring is the growing season of dolphin succulents, and the survival rate of cuttings is high. Usually in March-April in spring. Remember to choose a sunny day.

  1. Branch selection

In order to improve the survival rate of dolphin succulent cuttings, the branches should be selected from dolphin succulent plants, and strong branches should be selected, and thin or diseased branches should be avoided, which will reduce the survival rate. 

After the branches are selected, cut the branches directly with a utility knife. In the process of cutting the branches, avoid hurting the dolphin succulent plants, and the incision should be kept flat.

  1. Branch processing

After the fleshy branches of dolphins are cut, the length of the branches can be controlled at 5-10 cm. In addition, 1-2 pairs of leaves at the bottom of the branches can be removed, mainly leaving the stems for later branching. 

Once the branches are processed, do not rush cuttings, first place the branches in a ventilated and cool place, and let the incisions of the branches dry to prevent infection and rot after the branches are inserted.

  1. Branch soil

String of dolphins pots, plastic nursery trays, and loose sandy soil can be used for the soil of the branches, and the sandy soil is breathable and permeable to avoid water accumulation after cuttings, which will cause the branches to rot. 

When the soil and pots are ready, you can put the soil into the pots first, and keep the soil surface flat and moist at the same time.

  1. Branch cutting process

After the soil is placed in the pot, you can use a toothpick to poke a few holes in the soil surface. If the poke hole is relatively small, you can shake the toothpick when poking the hole, so that the hole will become larger. 

Then directly insert the dolphin succulent branch into the hole, the depth of insertion is 2-3 cm, and one branch can be inserted into a nursery pit.

The same goes for other branches. After all the branches are inserted, water and moisturize. Then wait patiently for the branches to take root and sprout.

  1. Maintenance after cutting

When the string of dolphins is cut, place the pot in a ventilated and cool place, do not put it in direct light, to avoid sunburn from the cutting.

As soon as the dolphin succulents are inserted, the soil moisture is more important, and the soil cannot be allowed to dry. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the soil dryness more, and water and moisturize in time according to the actual situation of the soil.

After the dolphin succulent branches are inserted, the branches will take root in about 20-30 days. When the cuttings take root, they can give enough light to help the branches grow rapidly.



The string of dolphins plant is a great alternative to other plants. It is capable of surviving in both sun and shade, and it thrives well with little water, making it the ideal plant for a beginner in the realm of plant care. It can be found at almost any garden center in America and is a very easily maintained, beautiful aquatic plant that will make any aquarium more appealing.

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